ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pot-in-pot refrigerator

Let's imagine that you have some yummy ice cream that you want to keep cold all day. Normally, you might put the ice cream in the fridge to keep it cool, right?

But what if you don't have a fridge, or you need to travel somewhere and you can't bring a heavy refrigeration with you? That's where the pot-in-pot refrigerator comes in.

The pot-in-pot refrigerator is a special way of keeping things cold without electricity or expensive equipment. It works like this:

First, you take a ceramic pot (like a flowerpot) and put your ice cream inside. Then, you take a slightly larger ceramic pot and fill it with wet sand or soil. You place the smaller pot with ice cream inside the larger pot with sand.

Now, you just need to wait a little bit! As the water from the sand evaporates, it will make the inside of the pot very cool. This cools down the smaller pot, keeping your ice cream (or other food) at a safe temperature.

It might feel like magic, but it's actually science! The evaporation of water absorbs heat from the surrounding environment, which means that the pots become colder. This is why people have been using the pot-in-pot refrigerator for thousands of years in hot climates, like in Africa or the Middle East.

So, next time you want to keep something cold and can't rely on electricity, remember the pot-in-pot refrigerator!