ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Prehistoric Europe

A long, long time ago, before there were any cities or towns, people lived in Europe. They didn't have any fancy technology like we do now, like smartphones or computers. Instead, they had to use what they could find in nature to survive.

People who lived thousands and thousands of years ago in Europe are called prehistoric people. They didn't write anything down, so we have to learn about them from the things they left behind, like bones and tools.

Prehistoric people lived in different areas of Europe at different times, so they had different ways of living. Some of them were hunters and gatherers, which meant they hunted animals for food and collected nuts and berries. Others were farmers, which meant they grew crops like wheat and barley.

One of the most famous groups of prehistoric people in Europe are the Neanderthals. They lived about 400,000 to 40,000 years ago and were the first humans to live in Europe. They were really good at hunting and made tools out of stone.

After the Neanderthals, there were other groups of prehistoric people who lived in Europe, like the ancient Greeks and the Romans. They built cities and had laws and armies. They even had writing, which means we can read about what they did and what they thought.

Even though prehistoric people lived a long time ago, we can still learn a lot from them. They lived in harmony with nature and didn't harm the environment like we do now. They also made amazing things out of what they could find, like beautiful cave paintings and intricate jewelry.