ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Prejudice (law)

Okay kiddo, so do you know how sometimes people don't like someone else just because of the way they look or what group they belong to?

That's called prejudice, and it's not nice at all. It's like when you decide you don't like carrots even though you've never tried them before - you're being unfair to the carrots just like people are unfair to others they don't even know.

Now, sometimes people are so prejudiced that they treat others really badly. And that's where the law comes in. The law says that it's NOT okay to treat someone badly just because of their race or religion or gender or any other reason like that. That's called discrimination, and it's against the law.

When someone does discriminate against someone else, they can get in trouble with the law. They might have to pay a fine or even go to jail. So it's important to always be kind to others, no matter what they look like or where they come from. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and fairness.