ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Presidential Council on Nation Branding, Korea

Okay kiddo, let me explain what the "Presidential Council on Nation Branding" in Korea means.

In Korea, the government created a special group, called a "Council," that advises the President and the government on how to promote their country's image to the rest of the world.

Think of it like marketing for a product - the government wants to show the world how great and amazing Korea is, so that more people will want to visit, invest in, and do business with Korea.

The Council suggests ideas and strategies on how the government can improve Korea's image and reputation globally. They look at things like Korean culture, food, technology, sports, and many other things to find what makes Korea special and unique.

In short, the Presidential Council on Nation Branding in Korea tries to make Korea look awesome to people outside Korea, so they will become friends with Korea and want to visit and have fun there!