ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Pressure gradient

Hey kiddo, do you know what pressure is? Well, it's like how hard something is pushing on something else. Like when you blow up a balloon, there's lots of air pushing on the inside of the balloon.

Now, imagine you're in a big swimming pool. Say you want to get from one side of the pool to the other. But, you want to swim with the least amount of effort possible. Well, you might notice that the water feels harder to swim through in some places than in others. That's because there's this thing called a pressure gradient.

The pressure gradient is basically a fancy way of saying that different areas have different amounts of pressure. So, in the swimming pool, there might be a higher pressure near the edges of the pool and a lower pressure in the middle. This can make it easier or harder to swim in certain places.

Pressure gradient is important in many areas, like in weather patterns or in the way air moves around airplanes. The difference in pressure can create wind and weather patterns that affect our daily lives.

So, there you have it, pressure gradient explained like you're 5!