ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Presumed security

Hey kiddo! Do you remember when we talked about safety and how we should always be careful about certain things, like not touching fire or crossing the street without looking both ways? That's because we want to make sure that we're safe, right?

Well, when it comes to computers and the internet, safety is also really important. We want to make sure that no one can steal our information or do bad things to us when we're online. That's where something called "presumed security" comes in.

Basically, when we use the internet or certain programs, we assume that they are safe and won't let any bad guys in. It's like when we lock our front door to keep people from coming into our house - we assume that the lock will work and keep us safe.

But just like how someone might be able to break into a locked house if they're really determined, bad guys can sometimes find ways to get around the security of the internet or programs. That's why we always need to be careful and not share our personal information with strangers online, or click on suspicious links or downloads.

So, presumed security means that we assume things are safe, but we still need to be careful and take precautions to protect ourselves. Just like how we always look both ways before crossing the street, we always need to be aware of potential dangers when we're online. Make sense, kiddo?