ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Primary narcissism

Okay, imagine you are a flower. When you are born, you need lots of sunshine, water, and good soil to grow into a big, beautiful flower.

Primary narcissism is like being a flower that needs lots of attention, praise, and love from other people to feel good about yourself. Just like how a flower needs sunshine, water, and soil to grow, people who have primary narcissism need attention, praise, and love from others to feel happy and confident.

So, when you see flowers that are all big and colorful, it's because they got the things they needed to grow. And when you see people who are really confident and love attention, it's because they got lots of attention and love when they were growing up too.

But just like how flowers can still grow without sunshine, water, and soil, people with primary narcissism can still grow and be happy without constant attention and praise. It just might take a little extra work and time to get there.