ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Prince of Wales's feathers

Okay kiddo, have you ever seen a really fancy coat of arms? It's kind of like a picture that shows something important to a family or country. Well, the prince of Wales, who is a special guy in the United Kingdom, has his own coat of arms too. And on his coat of arms, there's a special picture of three feathers, called the "Prince of Wales's feathers."

Now, these feathers aren't just any old feathers. They actually have a really cool story. A long, long time ago, there was a king who wanted to show off his power and strength. So, he held a big tournament where knights would compete in various challenges to see who was the strongest and bravest.

One of the knights in this tournament was the prince of Wales at the time (that's why the feathers are called "Prince of Wales's feathers"). During one of the challenges, his helmet fell off and he was in trouble because his head was exposed to danger. But then, another knight came to his rescue and lent him some feathers to put in his helmet. These feathers helped him stand out on the battlefield so his allies would know where he was, and his enemies would know to be scared of him.

The prince of Wales was so grateful to this knight that he adopted the feathers as his own symbol. And now, whenever you see the Prince of Wales's feathers, you can remember that they come from a story of strength, bravery, and gratitude!