ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Principle of least action

Imagine you are playing a game of hide and seek with your friends. You have to find the best hiding place while your friends try to find you. The principle of least action tells us that nature plays a similar game all the time.

Nature always tries to find the best solution to a problem with the least amount of effort. Just like you tried to find the best hiding spot with the least amount of effort. This idea is called the principle of least action.

For example, when a ball is thrown into the air, it tries to find the best path to reach its destination (i.e., the ground) with the least amount of effort. It takes the path that requires the least amount of energy or action. This path is called the path of least action.

In physics, the principle of least action is used to describe the motion of objects. It states that the motion of an object is determined by the least amount of action or energy required to move from one point to another.

So, the next time you play hide and seek, remember that nature is playing the game too, and it's always trying to find the best path with the least effort just like you!