ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Principle of least interest

The principle of least interest is a way of understanding relationships between people. It suggests that the person who cares less in a relationship has more power, and the person who cares more has less power.

Imagine you have a toy that you really love and your friend only sort of likes. If your friend asks you to trade toys, they have more power in that situation because they don't care as much. You might be more likely to agree to the trade even if it's not completely fair because you really want their toy.

In friendships, romantic relationships, or even business relationships, the person who is less invested or interested has more power because they are not as affected by the other person's actions. They can often walk away or end the relationship without much emotional trouble.

This doesn't mean that relationships should be completely equal or that someone should not care at all. But it's important to recognize when you or someone else has more power in a relationship and make sure that both people's needs and feelings are being considered.
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