ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Prison bus

Okay kiddo, so you know how when someone does something really bad, they might have to go to jail? Well, sometimes there are a lot of people who have to go to jail at the same time, like if they all broke the same law. So, they need a way to get to jail all together. That's where the prison bus comes in.

A prison bus is a big vehicle with lots of seats inside. But these seats aren't like the ones in a regular school bus. They're usually made of hard plastic and they can't be moved. That's because the people who ride in the prison bus are criminals who have to go to jail. They need to be securely locked into their seats so that they can't escape.

The prison bus is also different from a regular bus in the way that it's designed. There are no windows on the sides of the bus, and the ones on the back are very small. That's because the people inside the bus are not supposed to be able to see outside. They need to stay focused on going to jail and not on what's happening outside.

In addition to having lockable seats and small windows, the prison bus also has special security features. For example, it might have a cage that separates the driver from the passengers. This is to make sure that the passengers can't attack the driver and take control of the bus. The bus might also have special locks on the doors, so that nobody can open them from the inside.

So, that's what a prison bus is, kiddo. It's a big, secure, and locked-up bus that takes people who have broken the law to jail.
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