ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Procedural justice

Procedural justice is like playing a game. When you play a game with your friends, you want the rules to be fair and everyone to follow them. If someone breaks the rules or changes them halfway through the game, it's not fun anymore.

Procedural justice is all about making sure that the rules are fair and everyone follows them in important situations, like at school or in court. This means that everyone has a fair chance to be heard and treated equally.

Imagine that you and your brother are fighting over a toy. Your parents come in and say they will decide who gets the toy. They listen to both of you and make a fair decision based on what they heard. That's procedural justice!

If your parents just gave the toy to your brother without listening to you or explaining why, that wouldn't be fair. And you might feel like you didn't get a fair chance to say your side. That's why procedural justice is important, it helps everyone feel like they've been given a fair chance.