ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Professional services networks

Okay, so imagine you have a big puzzle that you need to solve. But it's not just any puzzle, it's a really difficult one that you need help with. Professional service networks are like a group of friends who are really good at solving puzzles and they want to help you out.

Now, these friends have different skills and talents that they bring to the table. One might be really good at figuring out where all the edge pieces go, while another is really good at finding pieces that fit together. In the same way, professional service networks have different companies or people who are really good at different things.

For example, some might be really good at accounting, while others might be really good at marketing, or law, or website design. When you need help with something related to your business, you can turn to these friends in the professional service network and ask for help.

But the great thing about these friends is that they're not just good at one thing - they have connections with other friends who are good at different things too! So if you ask for help with your accounting, they might be able to connect you with someone who is also really good at marketing.

So, in summary, professional service networks are groups of companies and people who are really good at different things and work together to help businesses solve problems and get things done. Just like a group of friends who are really good at solving puzzles!