ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Professors in the United States

Professors in the United States are people who teach higher-level school subjects like math, science, and English at universities and colleges. They are often very smart and know a lot about their subject.

Think of a professor like a really good teacher who helps you learn more difficult things in school. But instead of teaching at a regular school, they teach at a college or university where students are older and have usually already finished high school.

Professors help their students understand complex topics by giving lectures, leading discussions, and assigning homework. They are also experts in their subject area and often conduct research on that subject. This means they spend a lot of time reading and writing about their area of study to learn even more and to share that knowledge with their students.

In order to become a professor in the United States, a person usually has to go to college for a very long time - around 8-10 years of higher education after high school. This means they have to work very hard and be very dedicated to their subject.

A professor's job is to help their students learn about their subject in a really smart and expert way. This can be a challenging but rewarding job that requires a lot of effort, patience, and dedication.