ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Programmable calculator

A programmable calculator is like a regular calculator that you can use to do math like adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing. But what makes a programmable calculator special is that you can also tell it to do more complicated math problems, like solving equations or graphing lines.

To do this, you can enter instructions into the calculator that tell it what to do, just like following a recipe to bake a cake. These instructions are called "programs" and they can be saved and used again later.

So imagine you have a very complicated math problem that you need to solve, like finding the area of a weird-shaped polygon. Instead of trying to remember all the steps and formulas to solve it, you can write a program that tells the calculator how to do it for you. Then you can just enter the numbers for your polygon, hit "run program," and your calculator will solve it for you!

Programmable calculators are especially useful for students, scientists, and engineers who need to do a lot of math quickly and accurately. They are also fun toys to play with and can help you learn programming and math concepts as you create and use your own programs.