ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Programmable electrically erasable logic

Imagine you have a very special toy. This toy can do different things based on how you put it together. You have different blocks that you can arrange in different ways to make the toy do what you want it to do.

Now, let's say you want to change how the toy works. Maybe you want it to go faster or slower, or maybe you want it to make a different noise. You can take apart your toy and rearrange the blocks to make it do what you want.

Programmable electrically erasable logic works kind of like this toy. Instead of blocks, we have tiny electronic circuits that can be programmed to do different things. We call these circuits "logic gates".

Now, imagine you have a bunch of these logic gates arranged in a certain way, like your toy's blocks. This is called a "logic circuit". Each circuit does a specific task, like adding numbers together or playing a sound.

But unlike your toy, we don't have to take apart the circuit to change how it works. We can "program" the circuit to do something else. We use a special computer program to tell the circuit what to do.

And if we make a mistake, we can "erase" our programming and start over. This is called "electrically erasable" because we use electricity to remove the programming.

So, programmable electrically erasable logic is like having a toy that we can change the rules for whenever we want using a special computer program. And if we mess up, we can start over by erasing what we programmed before.