ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Progressive scan

Okay kiddo, you know how when we watch TV or play video games, we see lots of pictures moving really fast? Well, those pictures are made up of little dots called pixels.

Progressive scan is a way of showing those pixels on the screen. Instead of showing all the pixels at once, like a big picture, it shows them one by one, in a row from top to bottom.

So, imagine a picture made up of 10 rows of pixels. With progressive scan, we would show row 1 first, then row 2, then row 3, and so on until we reach row 10.

Why is this important? Well, it can make the picture look clearer and smoother. When we show all the pixels at once, sometimes parts of the picture can look blurry or fuzzy. But with progressive scan, each row of pixels is shown clearly before moving on to the next one.

So, that's progressive scan! It's a way of showing pictures on the screen by showing each row of pixels one at a time. This can make the picture look clearer and smoother.