ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Property rights

Imagine you have a toy that you love and play with all the time. You consider it yours and nobody else can take it away from you without your permission. This is just like property rights, which mean that you have the right to own and use something like a house, a car, or a piece of land.

The government gives you these rights and they are protected by laws so that nobody can take them away from you without a good reason. It is like having a special folder where you keep all your important papers and nobody can touch it without your permission.

Property rights also mean that you can sell or give away your toy or any other property that you own to someone else, and that person will have the same rights to own and use the item. However, it also means that you have to take care of your property and not damage it or use it in a way that could harm others.

In short, property rights mean that you have the right to own and use something, and nobody can take it away from you without a good reason. It is like having a special toy that you love and nobody can take it away from you without permission.