ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Prophets of Christianity

Prophets in Christianity are special people that God chooses to talk to and share important information with. Think of God as your best friend, but one that you can't see, feel or touch. The prophets are like messengers, delivering God's words and teachings to people on earth.

In the Bible, which is a holy book for Christians, there are many stories of prophets who were given messages from God. Some prophets like Noah were told to warn people about a coming flood, while others like Moses were asked to lead people out of slavery.

These messages from God are very important and prophets are respected and listened to by the people around them. They often preach about the importance of living a good life and following God's commandments.

Some of the most famous prophets in Christianity include Elijah, Jeremiah, and Isaiah from the Old Testament, and John the Baptist and Jesus from the New Testament.

Jesus is considered to be the greatest prophet in Christianity as he not only delivered God's messages but was also the Messiah or saviour who died for the sins of humanity.

Overall, prophets are special people chosen by God to deliver his messages and teachings to the people. They are respected and listened to by the community because of their important role in spreading God's word.