Prostitution in India means that some adult women (and sometimes men) sell their bodies for money to other people. These people who pay for the sex are called clients or customers.
Prostitution is illegal in India, but it still exists in many cities and towns. This means that the police can arrest sex workers and customers if they are caught.
Prostitution can be very dangerous for sex workers. Some customers might hurt the sex worker, and they may not have access to healthcare if they get sick or are injured during sex. Some sex workers may be forced into prostitution and have no choice about who they have sex with or how much money they make.
There are organizations in India that are working to help sex workers. These organizations provide healthcare, education, and legal help to the sex workers. They also work to end the stigma around prostitution, so sex workers can have better working conditions and live in safer communities.
It is important for everyone to treat sex workers with respect and kindness. They are human beings who deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.