Prostitution in Thailand is when people pay money to have sex with someone in exchange for their time and services. It happens in many parts of Thailand, but is most common in big cities and tourist areas.
Some people choose to become prostitutes because they are poor and cannot afford to live, and they believe that this is one way to make money. However, others may be forced into prostitution through human trafficking or other forms of violence and exploitation. This is never okay, and it is important to remember that all people deserve to be treated with respect.
While prostitution is technically illegal in Thailand, it is still widely practiced and many people look the other way. There are some laws in place to try to prevent underage prostitution and trafficking, but they are not always enforced.
Overall, it is important to remember that prostitution is a complex issue and there are many people involved in this industry who are not there by choice. It is important to treat everyone with kindness and respect, and to speak up if you see anyone being exploited or mistreated.