ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Proto-World language

Okay kiddo, you know how people speak different languages around the world. Maybe you speak English and your friend speaks Spanish, or your grandparents speak a different language than you do at home.

Well, a really long time ago, before people started writing things down, everyone spoke a kind of language that we call the "proto-world language." It was very different from the languages we speak today, but it's what all of the other languages came from.

Imagine that you and your friends make up a special secret language that only you understand. At first, it might be really simple, with just a few words and rules. But over time, you might add more words and change the rules a little bit. Other people might learn your language and start using it too, but they might make their own changes to it.

That's kind of what happened with the proto-world language. People started using different parts of it in different places, and over thousands and thousands of years, those small changes turned into whole new languages.

Scientists who study language think they might be able to figure out what the proto-world language sounded like by looking at the similarities between different languages and trying to trace them back to their roots. But it's a really tricky thing to do, because the proto-world language was spoken so long ago and we don't have recordings or anything like that.

So, to sum it all up, proto-world language was the very first language that humans spoke a really long time ago, and it's what all of the other languages that we know today came from.