ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Universal grammar

Okay kiddo, let me tell you about something called Universal Grammar. It's like the rules we use to speak and understand language.

When you were a baby, you started to learn how to talk by listening to the people around you. You heard words and sentences and tried to copy them. But how did you know how to put those words together into sentences?

Well, scientists think that babies are born with something in their brains called Universal Grammar. This is like a special tool that helps you learn how to use language.

Think of it like a set of building blocks. Universal Grammar gives you the pieces you need to put together words and sentences in any language you're learning. It's a kind of template that helps you figure out how to talk and understand language, no matter what language you're learning.

So, just like how you can build lots of different things with the same set of blocks, you can use Universal Grammar to build lots of different languages.

Isn't that amazing? With Universal Grammar, you already have what you need to learn any language in the world.