ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Provisional rights

Provisional rights are like getting a permission slip to do something before you actually get the thing you need to do it.

For example, let's say you want to play with a new toy that hasn't been released yet. You can't buy the toy yet, but if you've already asked your parents for permission to buy it when it comes out, they might give you a provisional right to play with it as soon as they buy it.

In the same way, provisional rights in law give someone the right to use, make, or sell an invention even if the patent hasn't been granted yet. If someone has applied for a patent for their invention and they think someone else might start using or selling their invention before they get the official patent, they can ask for provisional rights. This way, if the patent is granted later on, they can take action against the people who used their invention without permission.

Provisional rights are temporary and only last until the patent is officially granted or denied.