Pseudo-arrhenotoky is when some insects are born without a daddy and only have a mommy.
Normally, when a mommy insect and a daddy insect love each other very much, they kiss and make new baby insects together. But with pseudo-arrhenotoky, the mommy insect can just make baby insects all by herself, without a daddy insect.
This happens because the mommy insect has a special power called parthenogenesis. It's like magic! She can make baby insects all on her own, without needing a daddy.
But here's the tricky part: even though there's no daddy, the baby insects still have two sets of genes - one from the mommy insect and one that's like it came from a daddy, even though there wasn't one.
That's why it's called pseudo-arrhenotoky. It sounds like the baby insects were made with the help of a daddy, but really they weren't.