Climate change is when our planet gets warmer, and it can have bad effects on our Earth. Some people don't believe that climate change is real, and this is called "climate change denial."
When we talk about "psychology," we mean how people think and feel about things. So when we talk about the "psychology of climate change denial," we are trying to understand why some people don't believe in climate change.
There are a few different reasons why someone might deny climate change. One reason is that they might not have all the information. They might hear different things from different people or read things online that aren't true.
Another reason is that they might feel afraid or overwhelmed by climate change. If they don't know how to deal with it, it can be easier to just pretend it isn't happening.
Sometimes, people deny climate change because they don't want to change their lifestyle. For example, if someone loves to drive their car and they hear that cars contribute to climate change, they might not want to believe it because it would mean they have to change the way they do things.
It can be hard to change someone's mind if they deny climate change. But one way is to show them the evidence and facts about climate change in a way that is clear and easy to understand. It's important to respect their feelings and thoughts, but also to help them see why climate change is important and what they can do to help prevent it.