ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Psychology of eating meat

Hey there little friend! Do you like meat? It's yummy, right? But do you ever wonder why some people like eating meat and some people don't? That's what we call the psychology of eating meat.

So, some people think it's okay to eat meat because they believe it's a natural thing to do, and that humans have been eating meat for a very long time. They also believe that meat is good for our bodies and can make us strong and healthy. What do you think about that?

But some other people believe that it's wrong to eat meat, because it means killing animals, and that animals have feelings just like us. They also believe that humans can get all the nutrients they need from other foods besides meat. What do you think about that?

There are also some people who eat meat, but they feel guilty about it. They might think that it's not right to kill animals, but they still want to eat meat because it tastes good. What do you think about that?

So, the psychology of eating meat is all about our thoughts and feelings about eating animals. Some people think it's okay, some people think it's not okay, and some people have mixed feelings about it. It's important to remember that everyone has different views and opinions, and it's okay to have your own thoughts on the matter.

Does that help you understand a bit more about why some people eat meat and some people don't?
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