Okay kiddo, do you know what it means to be 'nationalistic'? It means feeling proud and protective of your country and its people. Punjabi nationalism is when people in the Punjabi region or who identify as Punjabi feel this way about their culture and heritage.
Punjabi people come from an area in South Asia that includes parts of India and Pakistan. They have a unique language, history, and traditions that they are very proud of. Punjabi nationalists want to protect and promote these things, and make sure that Punjabi culture is respected and celebrated.
Some Punjabi nationalists believe that Punjabi language and culture are under threat from outside forces, like English domination in education and business. They argue that promoting Punjabi language and culture can help preserve them and bring Punjabi people together.
But not all Punjabi people agree on everything, and some argue that nationalism can create divisions and conflict. It's important to have pride in your heritage, but also to respect and learn from others.