ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Purim is a special day in the Jewish religion. It's like a big party where everyone gets to dress up in costumes and celebrate.

The story of Purim comes from a long time ago in a place called Persia. There was a king named Achashverosh, and he had a queen named Vashti. She didn't want to do what the king asked her to do, so he got mad and banished her.

After Vashti was gone, the king decided to choose a new queen. He had a big contest where lots of women came to his palace to try and win his heart. One of the women who came was named Esther. She was very beautiful and kind, and the king liked her right away.

But Esther had a secret. She was Jewish, and the king didn't know. There was a mean man in Persia named Haman, and he didn't like the Jews. He convinced the king to make a law that said all the Jews had to be hurt.

Esther knew that this was a terrible thing, so she decided to do something about it. She went to the king and told him that she was Jewish. The king was very surprised but he still loved her. He said he would help her and stop Haman from hurting the Jews.

Esther and the other Jews celebrated because they were safe. They were so happy that they decided to make a special day to remember what had happened. This day is called Purim.

On Purim, people eat special food, give gifts to each other, and have fun. They also read the story of Esther and remember how brave she was. And they dress up in costumes because it's a fun way to celebrate.

So that's what Purim is all about. It's a happy day when we remember how one brave woman saved her people from harm. And we get to have a big party and eat yummy food!