ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Quechuan languages

Quechuan languages are a group of languages that are spoken by people who live in South America. The people who speak these languages are indigenous and have lived in South America for thousands of years.

Imagine you are playing a game with your friends and you want to talk to them in a language that nobody else understands. This is like what happened with the people who speak Quechuan languages. They wanted to be able to talk to each other without other people understanding what they were saying, so they created their own language.

Over time, Quechuan languages developed into many different dialects, which are like different versions of a language. Some of these dialects are still spoken today, while others have disappeared because fewer and fewer people are speaking them.

One interesting thing about Quechuan languages is that they use a lot of different sounds that we don't use in English. For example, some Quechuan languages have sounds that sound like clicks or whistles!

Nowadays, many people who speak Quechuan languages also speak Spanish or Portuguese, which are the official languages of most South American countries. But they still value their own language and culture and try to keep it alive by speaking it with their friends and families.