Rượu cần is a type of Vietnamese rice wine. It is made by fermenting rice in water along with a special kind of yeast called “qu” found in certain parts of Vietnam. After a few days, the liquid is strained and put into airtight jars. But the most important part of rượu cần happens when it is ready to be drunk.
To drink rượu cần, people put it in a special jar that has a long bamboo tube sticking up. The tube goes all the way to the bottom of the jar. Then people put a little bit of ice in the jar and wait for the wine to cool down. Finally, they put a small glass under the bamboo tube and start drinking.
But why use a bamboo tube? Well, because the tube filters the liquid as it flows out, making sure that any leftover rice or yeasts don’t go into the glass. And that’s how to enjoy rượu cần like a pro!