ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Radio Galaxy Zoo

Radio Galaxy Zoo is a fun website where you can help astronomers learn about how galaxies work by looking at pictures of space. Galaxies are like families of stars, but some galaxies have a special feature called a radio jet. This is like a long arm that shoots out from the center of the galaxy like a squirt gun. The radio jets shoot out radio waves that scientists can't see with their eyes, but they can use special telescopes to study them.

Scientists need people like you to help them figure out where the radio jets are coming from in the pictures of galaxies. On the Radio Galaxy Zoo website, you are shown pictures of galaxies that have little circles around them, and your job is to find if there is a radio jet. You can draw lines and talk about what you see with other people on the website.

By playing Radio Galaxy Zoo, you are helping scientists learn how radio jets work and how galaxies are formed. They can then use their findings to learn more about the universe and help us learn even more about the stars and galaxies that make it up.