ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Radioisotope thermoelectric generator

A radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG) is like a super battery that makes electricity by using the heat from a special material called a radioactive isotope.

Have you ever put your hand on a hot stove and felt the heat coming off of it? That heat energy can be turned into electricity by something called a thermoelectric generator, which is like a special magic box that can turn heat into electricity.

An RTG is a special kind of thermoelectric generator that uses a special material called a radioactive isotope to produce heat. This isotope is a substance which naturally gives off heat and radiation as it decays. Scientists choose the specific isotope based on how long it will produce heat and how strong its radiation is.

Inside the RTG, the isotope is surrounded by a bunch of special materials that convert the heat into electricity. These materials are called thermocouples. When the heat hits the thermocouples, it creates a flow of electricity that can be used to power all kinds of things, like spacecraft or scientific instruments.

RTGs are really helpful for things like space exploration because they can operate in places where solar panels don't work well. This is because the RTGs don't need sunlight to make electricity, they just need the heat from the radioactive isotope.