ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Railway station

A railway station is a place where trains stop and pick up people who want to travel to other places. It's like a big bus stop but for trains.

When you go to a railway station, you can see many different things. First, there are big signs that tell you which trains are coming and when they will arrive. These signs have letters and numbers, which tell you the name of the train and the time it will come.

Next, you can see a lot of people walking around with big bags and suitcases. They are waiting to get on the train and go somewhere far away. Sometimes, they might be carrying snacks or drinks with them to eat on the train.

As you get closer to the train, you will see long platforms or steps that lead up to the train doors. This is where the train stops and people get on and off. Be very careful when you walk on these platforms because they can be slippery and you don't want to fall.

Once you get on the train, you will find many seats where you can sit and relax during your journey. The train can go very fast and you might feel a bit of a bump when it starts or stops but don't worry, it's completely normal.

Overall, a railway station is a great place to start your adventure and explore new places. Be sure to listen to the announcements and always stay safe when travelling on the train.