ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rainbow body

Okay kiddo, have you ever seen a rainbow in the sky after a rainy day? It's a beautiful sight, right? Well, some people believe that some very special and spiritual people can turn into a rainbow after they die.

But, how is that even possible? Well, these special people spent their whole lives helping others and being kind to everyone they met. They were so filled with love and compassion that when they die, their bodies can turn into a really bright and colorful rainbow.

Now, this doesn't happen to just anyone. It only happens to people who have dedicated their lives to helping others and being the best versions of themselves. It's like they become pure love and light, and that's why they turn into a rainbow.

Some people also believe that this rainbow body can only be seen by other special and spiritual people. It's kind of like a secret and magical way of showing that someone was truly amazing and special in life.

So, in summary, rainbow body is the belief that some very special and spiritual people can turn into a colorful and bright rainbow after they die because of their love, kindness, and compassion. It's kind of like a magical way to show that they were truly amazing and special in life.