ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Recombinant frequency

Recombinant frequency is like playing with Legos. Imagine you have two different sets of colored blocks - one set has red, blue and green blocks, and the other set has yellow, black and white blocks. Now, you want to build something new using both sets, but here's the catch - some of the blocks are stuck together and cannot be separated. This means you can't change the order of the blocks in those groupings.

When you start playing, you discover that some of the blocks from different sets can fit together, but only if you take apart some of the stuck-together blocks. This is called recombination. You can make new creations by taking some blocks from one set and some blocks from the other, breaking apart some stuck-together blocks and putting them all back together in a new way.

Now, let's say you have many different sets of Legos, and you want to figure out how often recombination happens between all the sets. To do this, you build many different creations using different combinations of blocks from the sets.

After building the creations, you count how many times recombination happened between the different sets. This is the recombinant frequency. Essentially, recombinant frequency is a way to measure how often recombination occurs when you mix different sets of blocks.

This concept of recombination and recombinant frequency is very important in genetics. Just like with Legos, our genes are made up of different "blocks" called nucleotides. During reproduction, recombination happens when the blocks get mixed and matched between the two parents' genes to create a new offspring with a unique combination of traits.

Scientists use recombinant frequency to help them understand how certain traits are inherited and how genes are located on chromosomes. By studying recombinant frequency, scientists can also figure out the distance between genes on a chromosome and how often they might be inherited together.