ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, so let's imagine you are playing with your bouncy ball outside. When you throw it on the ground, it bounces back up to you, right? That's because the ground is acting like a reflectron!

A reflectron is a special tool that helps scientists see tiny particles, like atoms or molecules. You can think of it like a big mirror that bounces these particles back and forth until they are all lined up in a row.

Just like your bouncy ball, the particles bounce off a surface and back towards the reflectron. However, instead of bouncing off the ground, they bounce off an electric field.

The electric field is like a big invisible force field that the particles have to pass through. When they do, they get pushed in different directions, depending on how fast they're moving.

Imagine you're running through a sprinkler on a hot summer day. You can run through it slowly, and the water just barely touches you. But if you run through it really fast, the water hits you harder.

The particles experience something similar in the electric field. The slower particles get pushed less, and the faster particles get pushed more. This causes them to line up in a row, which makes them easier to see with other scientific tools.

So that's what a reflectron is! It's like a big invisible mirror that helps scientists see things that are too small to see with their own eyes.