ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Regional municipality

Okay kiddo, so a regional municipality is like a big family. Imagine your family living in a house, but your cousins, aunts, and uncles also live in the house with you. That's what a regional municipality is like - a big group of towns or cities that are all part of one family.

They work together to make important decisions, like how to keep everyone safe, how to take care of the roads, and how to make sure everyone has clean water to drink. They also help each other out when they need it, like if there's a big storm that knocks down trees, they might help each other clean up.

Just like in a family, there are leaders in a regional municipality who help make sure everyone is getting along and working together. And just like how families have rules to make sure everyone is happy and healthy, there are rules in regional municipalities to make sure everyone is safe and happy too.

So that's what a regional municipality is all about - a big family of towns or cities who work together to make sure everyone has what they need to be happy and safe.