ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Relative Fat Mass

Have you ever heard of the words "fat" and "thin"? Well, relative fat mass is a way of comparing how much fat someone has on their body compared to the rest of their body. It's sort of like a measuring tool that helps people understand how much fat is on their body.

Imagine you have a big bag of marbles and a small bag of marbles. The big bag of marbles would have more marbles in it compared to the small bag, right? Well, relative fat mass does the same thing but with fat on your body. If you have a bigger body, you might have more fat than someone with a smaller body. But, relative fat mass helps us compare how much fat we have on our own body compared to the rest of our body.

Why is this important? Because having too much fat on our body can sometimes be unhealthy. Relative fat mass can help doctors and scientists understand if someone is at risk for certain health problems that can be caused by having too much fat on our body. By measuring relative fat mass, we can learn more about our health and how to make choices that are good for our body.