ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Relay box

A relay box is like a messenger who helps two different groups of friends communicate with each other. Just like how a mediator can help solve problems between two people who don't understand each other, a relay box helps two different devices "talk" to each other even if they aren't compatible.

For example, imagine you have a toy car that needs a battery to run. The battery needs to be turned on and off to make the car move. But you can't just plug the battery directly to the car because they don't fit together. A relay box can help the car and the battery "talk" to each other by being in between them.

So the battery sends its power to the relay box, who then understands that the car needs the power to move. The relay box then sends the power to the car and tells it to move. This way, the car can move without having to physically connect to the battery itself.

In the same way, many electronic devices need to communicate with each other but may not be directly compatible. A relay box can help these devices talk to each other by being the middleman and translating the signals.