ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Religious views on birth control

Alright, kiddo! So, some people believe that it's really important to have babies because it's part of God's plan for them. They think that preventing babies from happening goes against what God wants. Other people think that it's okay to use birth control so that they can decide when they're ready to have a baby.

Some religious groups have rules about birth control. For example, the Catholic Church doesn't allow the use of any kind of birth control, but they do believe that couples can use Natural Family Planning. Natural Family Planning means that couples use specific methods to track and predict when a woman is most likely to get pregnant, and they only have sex during times when they're okay with having a baby.

Other religious beliefs support the use of birth control, even encouraging it as a responsible way to plan for having a family. They believe that using birth control can help couples focus on their careers and families, and that it can help prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections.

So, basically, different religions have different ideas about birth control, and it's up to individuals to decide what they believe and what's right for them.