ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Repatriation in Canada

Repatriation in Canada is like bringing something back home after it has been away for a while. Let's say you went on a trip to visit your grandparents and took your favorite toy with you. When it's time to go back home, you bring your toy back with you. That's what repatriation means.

In Canada, repatriation has a special meaning. It refers to bringing back something really important that belonged to Canada, like a piece of art, an artifact or human remains. Sometimes these things were taken away from Canada a long time ago, and people want to bring them back to where they belong.

For example, there was a time when many Indigenous people were taken away from their families to be put into residential schools. Some of these children died while they were at school, and their remains were never returned to their families. Many years later, people wanted to repatriate (bring back) these remains to their communities so they could be properly honored and laid to rest.

Another example is when museums, collectors or art dealers purchase Indigenous artifacts or cultural items such as totem poles, masks or clothing, that were taken from Indigenous communities or lands without proper consent. Later, when these items are discovered, there is often a push to bring them back to where they belong.

So, repatriation is a way to right past wrongs and bring back these valuable, meaningful and cultural items to where they truly belong in Canada.