ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Reservoir simulation

Reservoir simulation is like playing pretend with sand and water. Imagine you have a big bucket of sand with some water mixed in. This is like an underground reservoir where oil or gas is stored in tiny spaces between rocks deep in the ground. Now, you want to know how much of the oil or gas you can get out of the reservoir and how fast you can get it out.

To answer these questions, you need to create a model of the reservoir using a computer. Just like building a sandcastle, you have to decide how to shape the reservoir and where the oil or gas is located. Then, you pour water into the sand to see how it responds. This is like injecting water into the reservoir to push out the oil or gas.

Using the computer model, you can test different scenarios to see how changing things like the amount of water injected, the size of the well, or the temperature affects how much oil or gas you can get out and how long it will take. You can also see how the reservoir changes over time as the oil or gas is removed.

Reservoir simulation helps oil and gas companies make decisions about how to extract resources from the ground efficiently and effectively.