ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Resource Public Key Infrastructure

Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) is like a secret handshake that helps computers trust each other on the internet.

Imagine you and your friend have a secret handshake that only you both know. When you both do the handshake, you feel confident that you can trust your friend because they know the secret.

Similarly, on the internet, computers need a way to trust each other too. This is where RPKI comes in.

RPKI is a system that creates digital certificates, which are like digital ID cards, for organizations that own parts of the internet, such as internet service providers (ISPs). These certificates contain information like the name of the organization and a special secret code that only that organization knows.

When one organization wants to send information to another organization on the internet, their computers do a special handshake using the certificates. The receiving computer can check the certificate to make sure it's genuine and that the sending organization is who they say they are, just like you check your friend's handshake to make sure they're really your friend.

By using RPKI, computers on the internet can trust each other more easily, which helps keep your internet connection safe and secure.