ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Reuse of excreta

When you go to the bathroom and use the toilet, your body gets rid of waste in the form of pee and poo. This waste is usually thrown away and taken to a place where it can't harm people or the environment. However, sometimes people can reuse this waste in a safe and helpful way!

When people talk about "reuse of excreta", they mean they are finding ways to take the waste from toilets and use it in a way that helps produce food or energy. There are lots of different ways to do this, and they usually involve treating the waste so that it doesn't contain any harmful bacteria.

One way to reuse excreta is by turning it into fertilizer for plants. This process involves taking the poo and pee and treating it in a special way so that it's safe to put on crops. This can help farmers grow more food and make their crops healthier!

Another way to use excreta is by creating biogas. Biogas is a type of fuel that comes from the breakdown of organic matter (like poo and pee). By putting the waste in a special tank where bacteria can break it down, we can create biogas that can be used for cooking or heating.

Reusing excreta might sound a bit silly (and gross!), but it can actually be really helpful for the environment and for people who don't have access to a lot of resources. By finding ways to safely reuse waste, we can help the planet and make things better for everyone!