ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Revenge buying

Okay kiddo, have you ever been really upset and decided to do something nice for yourself to make yourself feel better? That's kind of like what revenge buying is! It's when someone goes shopping or buys something expensive just to show off or prove something to someone else, or to make themselves feel better after a hard time.

Imagine someone stole your toy and you felt really sad and mad. One day, you see a really cool new toy at the store and you decide to buy it with all your allowance money just to show the thief that they didn't really affect you much. That's kind of what revenge buying is like, except with bigger things like fancy clothes or expensive cars.

Revenge buying can be done after a bad breakup, a fight with a friend, or even a tough day at work. It's like trying to prove to someone that you're better than them, or that you don't need them to be happy. But sometimes, revenge buying can also lead to spending too much money and regrets later on.

So while it may feel good to go on a shopping spree sometimes, remember to be responsible with your money and always think twice before buying something just because you're upset or trying to prove something to someone else.