ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Reverse domain name notation

Okay kiddo, so you know how there are different websites on the internet with different names like Google.com or Facebook.com? Now, every website has something called an IP address which is a long string of numbers that computers use to find and connect to that website.

Reverse Domain Name Notation (RDNN) is just a way to write that IP address in an easier and more memorable way. They take the IP address and turn it into a domain name. They do this by writing the numbers in the IP address in reverse order and then adding ".in-addr.arpa" to the end.

Let's say the IP address of a website is To write it in RDNN, we start by writing the last number first, then the second-last number, and so on until we get to the first number:

That's it! This way, if someone wants to find out the domain name of a website, they can find it by doing a reverse lookup of the IP address using RDNN.
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