ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Rewrite engine

Hey there kiddo!

So, do you know what a rewrite engine is? It's like a magic tool that can change the way a website address looks or works.

Let's say you're looking at a website called "www.toysrus.com". But the owner of the website wants to change their name to "www.toysrusparttwo.com". If they just changed the name, people who type in the old name won't be able to find the website anymore.

But with a rewrite engine, the owner can make it so that when someone types in the old name, they are automatically redirected to the new name. It's kinda like when you move houses and you want people to still be able to find you, so you put a note on the door of your old house telling them where to find you now.

A rewrite engine can also change how a website's address looks. Imagine you're on a website with a really long address like "www.thisisasuperlongwebsitenamethatishardtoremember.com". With a rewrite engine, the owner can make it so that when you type in "www.shortandsweet.com", it takes you to the same website. It's like having a secret password to get to a cool clubhouse.

Overall, a rewrite engine lets website owners change the names or addresses of their website without losing all their visitors. It's pretty cool, huh?