ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Richard Gilliam

Richard Gilliam is a person, just like you and me, who has done some things that make him well-known. He grew up in a place called Virginia, which is a state in the United States.

When Richard was older, he started a company called "Cumberland Resources Corporation" that looked for and mined coal. Maybe you have learned about coal before in school! It is a kind of rock that is burned to make electricity.

Richard did a good job running his company, and he became very successful. He made a lot of money from selling the coal his company found. With that money, he started investing in other businesses, like real estate and jewelry companies.

Richard has also used his money to do things to help others. For example, he has donated lots of money to different organizations that help people who are sick or need money for something important.

So, in summary, Richard Gilliam is a person who started a successful company, invested in other businesses, and has been generous with his money to help others.