ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ride height

Okay kiddo, so remember how you have a bike and when you sit on it, your feet can touch the ground? That's because the seat of your bike is at a certain height from the ground, which we call the ride height.

Now imagine cars also have a ride height, but instead of how far we sit from the ground, it's how far the whole car is from the ground. This is important because it affects how the car drives and handles on the road.

When a car has a higher ride height, it means it's farther off the ground. This can make it easier to drive over bumps or rocks without hitting the bottom of the car, but it can also make it more likely to sway or rollover in sharp turns.

On the other hand, when a car has a lower ride height, it means it's closer to the ground. This can make it more stable and improve handling, but it can also make it harder to drive over obstacles in the road.

Car manufacturers usually have a specific ride height in mind when designing a car to balance out these factors and make it safe and comfortable to drive. So, just like how you adjust the seat on your bike to make it comfortable, car makers adjust the ride height to make their cars the best they can be.